Telephone: 01202 530166 | 07795 903858

Privacy policy statement

At Intratest we take our responsibilities seriously when it comes to processing and storing personal data even though we operate within the Business to Business environment.

Although we have always attempted to be compliant with the Data Protection Act (1998), the attached Privacy Policy Statement lets all our stakeholders and prospective customers know the professional approach we are taking to making sure we are compliant to the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into force on the 25th May 2018.

If you wish to contact Intratest about any aspect of the Privacy Policy Statement please use the information supplied on our Contact Page to write, call of email.

About Intratest
As part of our commitment to raising standards within our industry, we continually develop the management of our day-to-day activities, through our Business Management Systems, that are independently verified through 3rd party audits to meet industry standards and best practice.

Giving you the reassurance that we operate to the highest possible standards always.

If you have any questions, or need clarity on what is said on our website, please pick up the phone, or click below to send an email, to get the answers you need.


Continually push the boundaries to provide professional, cost effective solutions for our customers in a straight forward, no-nonsense and honest manner.

An approach that is complimented by our commitment to continue to engage, educate and mentor asset owners to ensure that integrity-based solutions become the norm.


  • Proactive Asset Management Programmes
  • Complete NDT Services
  • Integrated solutions
  • Added value & cost effective
  • Market leading technology
  • Conformity to GN22
  • Pinpoint exact seat of corrosion
  • Failures reported immediately
  • Engineers located across the UK

Maintaining Standards

Intratest has joint UKAS certification to ISO9001:2015 and NHSS8 within the Street Lighting Industry.